Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Sick on the Disney College Program?

Well, I don't know if I told y'all this or not, but my first week down here was when I came down with the FLU!'s not flu season? How is that possible? Do people not use hand sanitizer? 0.o It was HORRIBLE! I got my first two points because of that stupid flu! :(

My Mom is down here now... I worked until 2:45 on Saturday, July 17th. We were having a blast! We rode Tower of Terror so my Mom could experience the new drop sequence. I introduced her to my fellow Cast Members in the View. We watched the Block Party Bash. Everything was fine up until Sunday afternoon...

We went to church in the morning....fine.

We went to lunch at at Abuelo's Mexican Restaurant...ehh iffy.

Shopped for thirty minutes...not so good.

My Mom started to feel sick.
Sunday night I took her to a Night Care Place where they diagnosed her with STREP! :(
I caught it on Monday, July 19th... UGH!

I'm still not 100& yet. I have to work tomorrow. My Mom is here until Sunday. I can't afford to be sick any longer!

Just a word of advice to y'all coming down in a few weeks: BE SURE TO TAKE YOUR VITAMINS EVERY SINGLE DAY...OR ELSE THIS HAPPENS^ 0.o

I can't wait to meet y'all FAll 2010 CPers in a few weeks!


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